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   Mentoring Summit         Presenter: Dr. Rita S. Boags, Ph.D.     Mentoring Fundamentals - Creating Success in your Mentoring Programs Is your mentoring program everything that it could be? Is the program meeting the objectives for which it was designed? Are your program participants experiencing the growth and development that mentoring can bring or are they disappointed and disillusioned with the process? Too often formal mentoring is thought to be less satisfying and effective than its informal counterpart and with good reason. Poor program design and execution can lead to mentoring partners who aren’t well matched, untrained, and with little guidance and support. Building upon a solid foundation of essential elements and program components, any program can deliver positive and satisfying results for its mentoring partnerships. 

 In this Mentoring Summit you will find out how to correct any deficiencies in your program or start a mentoring program from scratch. Here are the topics that will be covered in this Mentoring Summit:

   Setting Program Objectives and Measuring Program Impact   How to tell if your program is meeting its objectives Initial assessment of program design Evaluation strategies and techniques     Participant Selection – Guidelines for choosing between open enrollment and targeted selection  Criteria for selecting Mentors and Mentees Balancing the Mentor and Mentee Pools Accommodating waiting lists       Matching   How to optimize the match Using objective and subjective match protocols      Training for Mentoring Partners   Essential training elements for mentoring partners Techniques for creating inclusive dialogue Diversity modules – to include or not Segmented training and additional support      Evaluation  Necessity of Pro-Active Monitoring Using qualitative and quantitative data Critical Check points Obtaining and using participant feedback    Visit us on the web at   



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