
Beth Crocker

Beth Crocker is the CEO of Crocker Finance, a management consulting firm created to provide services to C-suite executives, private equity firms and corporate finance teams. Prior to starting her own business, Ms. Crocker was Sr. Vice President, Finance for Rovi Corporation (now TiVo), a global leader in entertainment technology. A 25-year veteran of Silicon Valley’s fast-paced technology industry, she has lead finance teams at McAfee, IBM and CrossWorlds Software. Ms. Crocker has completed two successful IPO’s along with dozens of acquisitions and dispositions. Most recently, she has been lighting up the internet with viral blog posts like “An Open Letter to Working Women: We Need to Do More Than Lean IN. We Need to Lead.” Her other job titles include multi-tasker, math geek, mom, key-note speaker, executive whisperer, coffee addict and world traveler.

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