Kate Mueller
Kate Mueller has worked in higher education for over 31 years at small and large public and private institutions. She has also worked internationally in the United Arab Emirates. She has been at Orange Coast College (CA) since 2001. For fifteen years she served as Dean of Student Services, and now is Dean of Enrollment Services. Responsibilities as a Student Affairs professional have encompassed student conduct, student leadership and activities, assessment, bookstore operations, behavioral/threat assessment, student health services, disabled students programs and services, enrollment services, financial aid, new student orientation, international student services, accreditation, curriculum development, and faculty development. Areas of expertise and topics that she frequently presents and consults on include: student learning outcomes, assessment in Student Affairs, behavioral assessment and student conduct issues, and ethical leadership. She has a master of science (M.S.) in counseling with a specialization in student development in higher education from California State University Long Beach, and a doctorate (Ed.D.) in educational leadership and higher education from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.