
Wander Priester

Wanda has worked for Synchrony for 13 years and was recently promoted to VP of Merchant Experience. In her new Merchant Experience position, she is responsible for implementation of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform and managing cross-functionally with marketing and the sales teams to build, launch and ultimately govern new business platforms. She will ensure merchant engagement touches include all relevant visibility into merchant interactions. Wanda is also responsible for the development of the Merchant Data Lake to govern and curate merchant data that will find opportunities to commoditize the data. She will identify training needs to position the marketing and sales teams to leverage and optimize the Marketing Cloud tool to support growth in the business. Finally, she is responsible for ensuring agile teams have direction ensuring sprints are occurring as planned to meet multiple system platform integrations.

Wanda, who was born and raised in New Jersey, was recruited to GE from Bank of America in northeast Pennsylvania where she had lived for 15 years. During her tenure at Synchrony, Wanda spent considerable time in both India and Guatemala managing teams. She had a chance to be immersed in multiple cultures and develop a profound appreciation for the people with whom she led. Her global work experience helped her to foster positive working relationships between US Synchrony employees and global employees. One of the key lessons she learned, and shares is no matter how different cultures may be, most people in the world want essentially the same things: gainful employment, a safe place to live, the ability to raise and educate their families, and sufficient food and shelter.

Among her accomplishments as VP of Enterprise Operations, Wanda facilitated many employee career growth presentations and coaching sessions, executed cardholder/merchant service business requirements, and led organizational restructures. She also implemented call center service level agreements for multiple clients while leading and providing subject matter expertise on the cross-functional strategic initiative projects. She is frequently requested to deliver presentations representing Synchrony to clients.

Wanda’s career advice for those who are contemplating their future is to get an education, develop meaningful relationships with colleagues and mentors, take calculated risks, and volunteer for the tough assignments. She is also an advocate of the PIE (performance, image and exposure) model for success in business. In her spare time, Wanda enjoys playing golf with her husband and spending time with family and friends, including those from Pennsylvania. She is proud to say she has one adult son finishing his Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology at Michigan State University.

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