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   WIL Registration      Minneapolis/St. Paul   Women In Leadership Symposium March, 2009  

  Location TBD   Time:  7:30am – 8:30am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:30am – 11:30am Symposium  Topics of Discussion:  Gender Unconscious 

 Balancing Career and Personal Life 

 Real and Perceived Barriers to Leadership 

 Mentoring – Identifying a Mentor and Being a Mentor 

 Preparing for the Next Opportunity

 Excellence: A Sign Post to Success 



     SPONSORS                   Registration and Sponsorship Options 

 WIL Individual Tickets: $99  

  WIL Symposium Half Table Sponsor: $500 (includes public recognition at the event as a sponsor) 


 Sponsorship levels (please click on the buttons below for details on the benefits of each level)

                                   Title Sponsor: $3,500 with 2 available sponsorships   Designated as a title sponsor for the Women in Leadership Symposium; this designation will be on all ads for the event as well as in the program. There will only be two title sponsors or one at $7,000.  An opportunity to have a representative from your organization speak at the event (5 minutes) Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed  Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event  Corporate banner displayed at the event (supplied by your company)  Corporate logo on the cover of the program  Full-page ad in the program; Ads must be received 4 weeks before the scheduled event  One reserved table seating ten           Gold - Donor Level $2,000   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event Corporate banner displayed at the event (supplied by your company) Corporate logo on the cover of the program Half-page ad in the program; Ads must be received 4 weeks before the scheduled event One reserved table seating ten           Silver - Donor Level $1,500   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event Quarter-page ad in the program; Ads must be submitted 4 weeks before the scheduled event  One reserved table seating ten           Bronze - Donor Level $1,000   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate name on event promotional material Public recognition at the event as a sponsor One reserved table seating ten         

     Register Now!  


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