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   WIL Registration      Chicago  Women In Leadership Symposium October 16, 2009  

  Location Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL 60601   Time:  8:00am – 8:30am Registration 8:30am – 11:30am Symposium  Topics of Discussion: 

 Balancing Career and Personal Life 

 Real and Perceived Barriers to Leadership 

 Mentoring – Identifying a Mentor and Being a Mentor 

 Preparing for the Next Opportunity

 Excellence: A Sign Post to Success



     SPONSORS                   Registration and Sponsorship Options  WIL Individual Tickets: $69 

   WIL Symposium Half Table Sponsor: $500 (includes public recognition at the event as a sponsor) 


 Sponsorship levels                                   Title Sponsor: $3,500 with 2 available sponsorships   Designated as a title sponsor for the Women in Leadership Symposium; this designation will be on all ads for the event as well as in the program. There will only be two title sponsors or one at $7,000.  An opportunity to have a representative from your organization speak at the event (5 minutes) Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed  Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event  Corporate banner displayed at the event (supplied by your company)  Corporate logo on the cover of the program  Full-page ad in the program; Ads must be received 4 weeks before the scheduled event  One reserved table seating ten           Gold - Donor Level $2,000   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event Corporate banner displayed at the event (supplied by your company) Corporate logo on the cover of the program Half-page ad in the program; Ads must be received 4 weeks before the scheduled event One reserved table seating ten           Silver - Donor Level $1,500   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate logo on all pre-event and event promotional material listed Will publicly receive a Recognition Plaque at the event Quarter-page ad in the program; Ads must be submitted 4 weeks before the scheduled event  One reserved table seating ten           Bronze - Donor Level $1,000   Designated as an official sponsor of the Women in Leadership Symposium Corporate name on event promotional material Public recognition at the event as a sponsor One reserved table seating ten         

     Register Now!  

          Sue Podbielski  President & General Manager CIGNA HealthCare of Illinois       Rene Parsons  Regional General Manager Cricket Communications       Julie Peterson  Vice President for Communications The University of Chicago       Tracy Hughes  Vice President AT&T Business Solutions, Signature/Global Group

        Beth A. Mueller  Partner Deloitte Tax LLP       Carol Hitselberger  Partner Mayer Brown       MODERATOR Dennis Kennedy  Founder and CEO  National Diversity Council         

   Please contact Dennis Kennedy at if you have any questions.

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