Vision and Mission
The National Diversity Council is the first non-profit organization to bring together the private, public and non-profit sectors to discuss the many dimensions and benefits of a multicultural environment. Since the launch in 2008, the NDC is a forerunner of community-based, national organizations that champion diversity, equity and inclusion across the country. It is currently made up of state and regional councils.
The vision of the National Women in Leadership Symposium is to develop a network of nationwide annual events and to be the premier resource for women to be able to network, mentor and participate in professional development programs geared toward helping them rise in their careers.
The mission of the National Women in Leadership Symposium is to bring together a diverse mix of successful women leaders who, through the discussion of topics relevant to today’s issues, educate, inspire and encourage women to reflect on their own goals and status as they strive to move higher in their organizations.